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We search every day to find the best broadband deals. We'll not only show you the best deals available to you where you live, but we also help you to narrow your search with our postcode checking option. We'll use our expertise every single day to ensure that the best options are always available on
We know it's not always about the cheapest deal out there. You want a reliable broadband service, and if the price is right, having something much faster couldn't hurt either!
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We offer everything except the old style dial-up (the one that used to clog up the phone line when it was on).
ADSL is great for small homes with limited requirements.
Fibre broadband simply refers to any service that mainly uses Fibre instead of copper to get your connection to the internet.
If we're not happy with a provider's pricing, service or anything else, then they won't be featured on our site. This is good for you, as it helps ensure you can see only the very best deals out there.
Regular broadband, also called 'ADSL' (Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line), has average speeds of 10-11mbps, but you could receive up to 24mbps depending on where you live.
Most people, however, find ADSL to be quite slow due to the distance from their local exchange building.
FTTC (Fibre To The Cabinet) is the service that most UK Fibre users are on, and generally gives speeds up to 80mbps.
Virgin Media's services are classed as 'FTTC', but because they use slightly different technology (DOCSIS) and thicker copper cables into homes, they're currently offering 568mbps (advertised as 512mbps) services!
Also known as 'FTTH' (Fibre To The Home). Currently only available to a small number of homes, FTTP (Fibre To The Premises) is not only great because of the speed, but because of how it's developed.
By using pure fibre all the way to your home, everything should be snappier and a lot more stable than the copper-based services you may be used to.